Stakeholders can use Tempo to create interactive PDFs and input their own URLs, ensuring accurate, clickable links in the final document. 


Create a Short Text Variable for the URL

  1. Open your CHILI document.
  2. Create a short text variable for your stakeholders to enter their URL text.
    • Name the variable (e.g., CTA_URL).
    • Set the variable type to short text.
  3. Select the frame where the URL should be applied. (Note, links will apply to the entire frame and not to specific text.)
  4. Navigate to Frame > Frame Link Settings.
  5. Assign the newly created short text variable to the frame. You can test the functionality by entering a URL in the Variables panel and clicking Test Link in the Frame Link Settings.
  6. Save your document.

Configure PDF Export Settings for Interactivity

  1. In your CHILI BackOffice, go to Settings > PDF Export Settings.
  2. Create a new export setting or modify an existing one.
  3. Ensure font embedding is enabled to maintain document appearance.
  4. Enable Include Links to allow URLs to be clickable in the final PDF.
  5. Save the export settings.

Configure Tempo Template 

  1. Open Tempo and create a template for the interactive PDF. 
  2. Select the desired output format (Interactive PDF). 
  3. Save and publish the Smart Template.

Generate and Publish the Interactive PDF

  1. Create a new publication using the template and update the URLs (e.g., linking to a blog or website) to verify functionality.
  2. Generate the PDF output.
  3. Download and preview the PDF in a browser or Adobe Acrobat (note that browsers may preview slightly differently than Acrobat).
  4. Click on the links to ensure they redirect correctly.