There are two types of calendars in DivvyHQ, child calendars and parent calendars. Child calendars are the basic organizational structure in the DivvyHQ platform. Parent calendars function as an additional level of organization to group multiple child calendars. Below we describe how to add each.
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Adding a Child Calendar
Once you click the Add New Calendar button, an overlay will appear. Depending on your subscription, you will be presented with one of the following paths.
Path 1:
The only required input is adding a Calendar Name, but you also have the option to assign team members who have previously been invited to your account. Their default role will be Contributor when added. When done, click Add Calendar. You can now adjust various calendar settings within the Calendar Admin.
Path 2:
Select Child in the overlay/form. You’ll also be prompted to specify to which parent calendar this child calendar belongs.
Adding a Parent Calendar
If you are a Global Admin, when you click the Add New Calendar button, an overlay will appear and it provides a few more options. Give your calendar a name and select the Parent option. Then click the Add Calendar button.
Assigning Team Members at Calendar Creation
Due to DivvyHQ's multi-calendar architecture, members of your team need to be given access to and a role (their permissions) on new calendars that you create. Assigning team members can be done at calendar creation (as described below), or you can assign team members after the fact via the Team Member admin.
There is some benefit to assigning team members at calendar creation since we bring some automation to the process of role assignment. Instead of manually assigning the new role to multiple team members, we handle this for you by automatically assigning them to the calendar with the highest role they have in the account.
For example: If you assign Bob to a calendar when creating it, and Bob's highest role in the account is a contributor, DivvyHQ will automatically assign Bob as a contributor on the new calendar. You can always adjust roles for individual team members within the Team Members admin.
Note: When adding Team Members to a new calendars, the default role they will be assigned is Contributor. Team Members who are Global Admins will not be an option to select, as they will always have Global Admin access to new calendars added.