Cropper presets
Assets can be cropped to any custom width and height, but with the cropper presets users can select a preset width and height from a drop-down list. In the presets Settings, we offer a selection of default presets for your commonly used social channels such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. But custom presets can be added too. Think of the dimensions that match the width and height of your intranet posts or a profile picture.
Zip content made visible in asset detail view
The content tab has been introduced before for assets like Word documents and pdf files. All text within the asset would be listed under this content tab. The extra content tab has now been added to the asset detail view of zip files, showing a list of all files and nested folders of that specific zipped asset.
Separate rights for creating a request for upload and creating an embedded link.
Note: Roles might need to get edited
Creating a request for an upload link can now only be done by users with the specific right to do so. With the waiting room activated, creating a request for upload could be done by anyone with the right to approve assets. Without the waiting room, having the right to upload assets was enough to create requests for upload.
Also creating embedded links can now only be done by users with the specific right to do so. Before, having the right to edit assets was enough.
Downloading blocked assets in a more convenient way
When you want to download an asset that is marked as blocked for download, you can send a request for download to those that have the right to edit the asset. But what if you do have the right to edit assets? Do you need to approve your own request for download before you can download it? Luckily, not anymore. We skipped the approval flow for users that can edit assets themselves.