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Tempo Creative Automation
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Tempo Creative Automation
Getting Started
How Work Flows (Tempo)
Identify Templates (Tempo)
The Stakeholder Experience (Tempo)
CHILI Editor Asset Management (Tempo)
Renders (Tempo)
CHILI BackOffice Settings
CHILI BackOffice Document Folder Structure (Tempo)
A Preview into the CHILI BackOffice (Tempo)
Branding the CHILI BackOffice (Tempo)
Establishing Image Conversion Files (Tempo)
Establishing PDF Export Settings (Tempo)
Establishing Publication Outputs (Tempo)
CHILI Blank Document Templates (Tempo)
Managing Document Constraints (Tempo)
Creating a Barcode (Tempo)
Fonts in CHILI (Tempo)
Object Alignment in CHILI (Tempo)
Quick Start Guide: Variables (Tempo)
Creating a List Variable (Tempo)
Creating a Text Variable (Tempo)
Creating Editable Inline Text Fields (Tempo)
Creating an Image Variable (Tempo)
Creating a QR Code (Tempo)
Creating a QR Code Variable (Tempo)
Actions & Behaviors
Changing the Paragraph or Character Style of a Variable (Tempo)
Creating a Bulleted List in the CHILI BackOffice (Tempo)
Creating a Color Changing Variable (Tempo)
Editing with the Inline Text Tool (Tempo)
Setting Layer Visibility (Tempo)
Frame Constraints (Tempo)
Auto-Grow and Anchoring Frames (Tempo)
Creating an Interactive PDF (Tempo)
Alternate Layouts
An Introduction to Alternate Layouts (Tempo)
Creating Alternate Layouts (Tempo)
Data Merge
An Introduction to Data Merge (Tempo)
Linking an Image Variable in a Data Merge Template (Tempo)
Creating a Data Merge PDF Export Setting (Tempo)
Adobe CC & Tempo
CHILI Publish Adobe Extensions (Tempo)
CHILI Preflight Warnings & Errors (Tempo)
InDesign Checklist for Importing into CHILI BackOffice (Tempo)
CHILI Converter Adobe Extension (Tempo)
CHILI Live Preflight Adobe Extension (Tempo)