This article includes the details of how to use the Content Items Due widget on your DivvyHQ Dashboard.
The Divvy Details
The Content Items Due widget displays a 30-day, chronological list of content items that are currently in production and associated with the calendars to which you have access. In addition, your role within certain calendars will affect which content items are displayed. For example, account admins and editors will see all content associated with each calendar, but contributors and reviewers will only see content items to which they are assigned in this column.
Content Items Due Widget Sections
Within the widget, you'll notice that content items are organized into logical sections, based on the content item's deadline. Sections include:
- Past Due - this section will appear in red when deadlines have been missed
- Today - content items due today
- Next 7 Days - content items due in the next seven days
- Next 30 Days - content items due in the next 8-30 days
Single Click a Content Item to Preview
Single clicking a content item title in this widget will open the content item slide-in, which provides a quick snapshot of the key details and production steps/tasks associated with that particular content item - plus the ability to edit them!
Double Click a Content Item to Open in the Sandbox
If you wish to edit a content item, without opening the content item slide-in, double click the content item title to proceed to the Divvy content editor.
Filter the Content Items Due Widget
If you'd like to narrow your list of upcoming deadlines down to a certain date range, calendar or a specific set of team members, you now have that ability. Just click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Content Items Due widget to expose its filter settings, which will enable you to filter by:
- A Start Date and End Date span
- Child calendar(s)
- Assigned User(s)
Set your dates or click the checkboxes next to your desired calendars or team members, then click the blue Update Feed button at the bottom. Your Content Items Due widget will now be populated with content items that match your filter settings. DivvyHQ will remember your settings until you change them.
Just in case you are wondering if you have filters in place, we provide a little hint by turning the gear icon Divvy orange, when one or more filters are in place.
To remove or edit your filter settings, click the gear icon and then click the Reset Filters link in the lower left.