You have created a content request form, awesome! Now you want to add or remove an Admin or Moderator to your form.


First, go to the Content Request Admin, and click the pencil icon to the left of the title of the form to edit it. Once inside the form, click the plus button next to your profile picture in the top right. From there, you can add whoever you want that is a Full User in the account.

To add a Moderator, check the box next to their name and click the Assign button at the bottom.


To add an Admin, they first need to be added as a Moderator (see previous step if they aren't already a Moderator). Then go back into the Manage Form Access modal and hover over their name and click the link that says Make Admin. And you're done!

If you want to remove someone from the request form or downgrade them from an Admin to a Moderator, simply hover over their name and select the preferred link option.