In the event that you wish to close your DivvyHQ account, below is a step-by-step guide and a few closeout tasks you may want to consider.


Exporting Content Records

Within the Content and Ideas areas, you might want to utilize our CSV export function to download any content records/data that you've previously populated. Note that our CSV export does not currently include/output any content within the "Full Content" (WYSIWYG) field of our content editor, or any attachments. If you wish to keep that content, we advise that you make use of our Download feature on the individual content item, which does allow you to export the 'Full Content' of your content item into a Word or PDF document.

To export all content records, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Content interface link in the main navigation.
  2. From the views dropdown in the upper left, select the All Content option.
  3. Determine what data you want to include in your export by selecting Edit Columns on the right, and checking all fields you want to include.
  4. Click the CSV icon in the upper right to start the export process. 

Closing Your Account

  1. In the upper right of the DivvyHQ interface, click your name and then select Billing.
  2. At the very bottom right of the Billing screen, click Close Account (note, the "Close Account" link will only be visible within 30 days of your account's expiration date).
  3. You'll then be presented with a confirmation dialog. When ready, confirm the closure.
  4. If your account closed successfully, you'll be returned to the DivvyHQ login screen.