New Features


Empower stakeholders to provide the info you need to successfully kick off projects with Requests. In addition to customizing request forms, your team can collaborate with the requester to agree upon the essentials before approving the request and beginning project work. Your team can easily view the original request as they work, and collaboration extends throughout the life of the project to ensure work is completed and delivered exactly as desired.

Final Asset Delivery

No more emails! Once a request is complete, you can easily send the final files and a custom message directly to the requester. This enables you to keep all of your important conversations within inMotion.


  • Your default time zone for inMotion email notifications is now automatically set based on your browser's settings upon initial login. Team members can also update their personal time zones within the Email Notifications section of Personal Settings.

  • Custom fields can now be edited.

  • Role assignment on user creation has been made easier by adding a filtered list by role type.

  • Cancel Proof has now been moved to Proof Options in the Proof Details slideout.