New Features

Customize Your Task & Proof Statuses* 

Does your organization have its own language for moving work across the finish line? When a standard proof or task status won't cut it, you can now use your preferred wording and colors to convey the progress of tasks and proofs within your unique workflows. Additionally, your custom statuses for Projects and Campaigns can now be donned with their own unique colors. Head over to Custom Statuses within Account Settings to begin creating your own unique statuses that provide quick comprehension, enhance consistency, and improve productivity! 

*Available only to Business & Enterprise Customers



Reporting on Specific Time Periods Just Got Easier!

We've made it easier for you to create the reports you use regularly to assess past work or previous time periods. No more having to manually update specific calendar dates, reducing inefficiencies and possible errors. Use our new filters for last week, last month, or last year to easily create your reports.


Feeling nostalgic? Here's what we released...